Saturday, April 16, 2022

8 Tips for The Best Bathroom Cleaning Ever

It can be challenging to clean your bathroom. The bathroom is often neglected when you clean your bedroom and kitchen. Perhaps you lack the time or are afraid to clean. These are our top tips to help you save time and effort while cleaning.

Clean your shower

Showerheads can accumulate a lot of soap scum and hard water deposits. These deposits can clog holes or cavities in the showerhead, compromising the product's functionality. How can we solve this problem?

  1. Put white vinegar in a ziplock bag

  2. Place the vinegar in the head of the shower.

  3. Secure the bag to the neck with a rubber band, tape, or other means

  4. Overnight Leakage

  5. This will make the showerhead more functional.

How to clean your shower curtain

It is easy to clean the shower curtain.

  1. Place two towels in the washer. To remove mildew and soap scum from curtains, use two towels.

  2. Use a gentle setting

  3. Half a cup baking soda can be added to the wash cycle

  4. Half a cup of vinegar can be added to the rinse cycle

  5. Allow drying.

Clean your bathtub

You can keep your tub shiny and clean by wiping it down once a week. If you have persistent marks or spots:

  1. Mix baking soda with the tub

  2. Half of a spray bottle should be filled with water and half with vinegar

  3. Place the vinegar solution on top of the baking soda

  4. Let the mixture bubble.

  5. Use a towel to rub the paste together.

  6. Let the paste sit for 15 minutes

  7. Rinse with warm water.

Cleaning grout

Grout is porous and is susceptible to bacteria growth. It would help if you cleaned grout often. You can clean grout with a grout brush and straight bleach to remove stains. Regularly inspect grout for cracks or holes. If you find any, you can add grout to fix them. 

Ceilings and cleaning tiles

This is an alternative to buying branded products at a lower price:

  1. Mix 1 part vinegar with 1 part water to make a vinegar solution

  2. Use a cloth to cover ceilings and tiles

  3. Turn on the water heater and allow the steam to build up in the shower.

  4. After 30 minutes, turn off the shower.

  5. Use a cloth to clean tiles and ceilings

Cleaning your toilet

This is a simple way to make a difficult task more manageable.

  1. Put a cup of soda in the toilet bowl

  2. Allow sitting for five minutes

  3. Use a toilet brush to scrub

  4. Flush

  5. If the spots remain, scrub the bowl with a damp pumice rock. This should be strong enough to get rid of most spots.

Cleaning drains

  1. Boil water and pour it down the drain

  2. Add 1/2 cup baking soda to the mix.

  3. Mix 1 part vinegar with 1 part water to make a solution

  4. 2.25 cups vinegar solution into the sink

  5. Cover drain plug with a towel for 10 minutes

  6. Continue to boil water

Cleaning of the ventilation fan

This is something you might not have thought of, but it's a great idea to do now and again.

  1. Flip the circuit breaker

  2. Take off the cover and wash your hands with soapy water

  3. Clean the fan blades with a vacuum and dry them with a towel.

Always remember to devote time to cleaning your bathroom. These tips and tricks will help you save time, effort, and mo

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8 Tips for The Best Bathroom Cleaning Ever

It can be challenging to clean your bathroom. The bathroom is often neglected when you clean your bedroom and kitchen. Perhaps you lack the ...